The most complete, robust and reliable legal system on the market at your disposal.Now with the Benner Gestão Jurídica mobile app, you can manage, view and join files in Benner Jurídica.Check out the benefits and features of the app to help you manage your daily life in external activities.◉ Appointment calendarUse the agenda to organize your appointments, and you can even relate an appointment and its data to procedural progress.The apps calendar is synchronized with the Benner Jurídica database, your information will always be up to date.◉ CheckinNow you can check in external audiences, bringing the geolocation of the event to the system.◉ Documentation attachedGather documents directly from your cell phone, using the mobile devices camera it will be possible to photograph minutes pages and other documents at the hearing and upload them directly to the document repository of the related process. The attached documents are attached already paginated and in PFD format.◉ ObservationsMake observations about external hearings directly in the related procedural developments.◉ Procedural repository viewThrough the folder module, it will be possible to view the most important information about the processes, such as: the parties, orders, progress and documentation.Benner Legal Management was made for your business. It facilitates legal management and helps you with your companys daily activities, in an accessible, simple and intelligent way.In the app you will find more information about Working Capital solutions, Receivables Advance, salary payment, machineBenner Jurídica: we have the best solutions to support your business.Benner Sistemas S/ACNPJ: 02.288.055/0001-74Rua Itajaí, 2975, Vorstadt - CEP 89015-203 - Blumenau/SC – Brazil